Thursday, May 05, 2005

Sheer Fucking PAIN!!!

Well... the other day I was doing my duty watch on board. Since there was no telephone in my cabin, I chose the main cafeteria as my crash pad for the night.

I may be the way I was crashed out, but when I woke up for my watch, there was a sharp pain on the left, extending from my groin to my hip.

For 4 hours, I had to endure occasional extreme pain. I tried walking it off - it did no good. I sat down - no improvement.

So I spent the following day in my bed, hoping that the pain would die down, which it did, for a while.

But today it came back with a vengeance. I suspect that part of the muscle was stretched pretty bad, maybe even torn.

Either way, I'm off to sick-bay to find out what could be done about it.

Pain sucks.

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