Friday, January 20, 2006

Here We Go Again...
The Story Of Haleigh Poutre

Big-Up to...

Michelle Malkin.

Last year, it was all about Terri Schiavo.

This year, Michelle Malkin stumbled on a sadder story about an 11-year-old allegedly beaten and burned by her stepdad.

Like Terri, she's on life support in a persistent vegetative state.

Like Terri, she is at the centre of controversy whether she should be allowed to live.

Like Terri, there is a tug-of-war brewing between 2 opposing parties: her stepdad wants her to live; the doctors at the Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, MA, aren't quite sure.

This debate between optimists and pessimists will surely go on as long as Haleigh has a pulse. But Michelle has this nice little blurb to say...
When the state condemns a convicted murderer to die, Hollywood celebrities trip all over themselves to protest.

Where are the Tinseltown activists who will rally to protect a truly innocent life?

Haleigh may not have been a founding member of a street gang, convicted of capital murder or an author of children's books (with a help of a ghost-writer), but she still deserves a chance.

Expect the blogosphere to heat up over this case.

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